Sunday, December 7, 2014

A letter to the World

A while back I was having a hard time sleeping. It was just one of those nights where you are so incredibly exhausted that your eyes feel like they are too big to fit in your skull, and where your brain has reached a point where it is so tired it can't even shut itself off. So I was laying in bed...trying to force my eyes back into my head and trying to calm my brain down enough to where I could begin to relax. It had been just one of those times where everything just seemed to be going wrong, everything was dark (figuratively and physically), I was questioning myself. While I was just trying to find someway to sleep, my mind began shouting/writing this letter of sorts, and for some reason, I knew it had to be written down before it disappeared from existence. It was strange because as I was writing, it didn't feel at all like it was me that was writing this letter/message, but someone else. I was writing down what someone was dictating to me. I thought I'd share it with the world because it not only applied to me, but it applies to anyone who is struggling, anyone who is going through a trial, anyone who feels alone, anyone who is having a hard time. So this letter is for you. Read it. Absorb it.

Dear You,
                I know it is hard. I know that you are hurting. I know you feel let down, disappointed, heart-broken, depressed, and alone. I know you don’t feel good enough to be loved or wanted, but one day you will see and understand why this had to happen and why you had to struggle so much. You are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. You are incredible and the strength within you will grow and you will change the world with who you are. Be good. Do good. Work hard and even though you are afraid, keep going. Life is scary and your greatest accomplishments will come from your scary moments. Doubt not, fear not. Those times when you feel alone, just remember that even though you feel the darkness creeping in, you possess a light that can outshine and conquer anything that is trying to hold you down. Remember that even though you may feel friendless and feel like no one cares, you always have a Father and Brother who will always stand by your side as long as you reach for them. They will always be by your side and will always listen to what you have to say. Don’t forget about them. Allow them to hold you up when you can no longer stand. Watch for the hand of God in your life and find things to be grateful for, even when it is hard to do so. Trust them with your whole being. They are the only ones that will not let you down. They will always love you no matter how unloved you think you are and when you are alone in the darkness, they will be fighting your demons and protecting you from being consumed by the darkness; they will be holding you close with more love than you can understand. They know you better than you know yourself and they know what you need to become the best that you can be. Let them guide you, even when you must take a leap of faith into the unknown. It will be hard, but together with Christ and Heavenly Father, you cannot fail. With them you can do hard things. Have faith. Breathe. And keep smiling. Happiness will return to you again, I promise. And most of all, remember that you are enough.

Love, Me

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The World's Standard of Perfection (The Body Image)

Everyone is obsessed with their weight; losing it, how much they have gained, how much they currently weigh, how much they want to lose, etc. The world we live in is always pressuring those who live in it to be the 'perfect' size. To look a certain way. To be a specific shape. Well, I am here to tell the world, that they are wrong. Not only wrong, but, dead wrong.

The world says that I need a thin waist, that my thighs shouldn't touch, that my stomach should be flat. I'll just say it right now, none of those things apply to me, nor do I think that it is important that my stomach be flat instead having a curve. Those 'standards' from the world are geared towards men and women alike. Men are to look toned, muscular, and to have rock hard abs. I am here to say that those qualities don't really matter. There are much more important things in the world than to be model-esque, which by the worlds standards is basically starving yourself, having a negative pant size, and legs that are as long a giraffe's neck,  basically flawless. Everyone has flaws. No one is perfect. No, not even me...or even you for that matter. Sorry to hurt your feelings, but you and I are far from perfect. Our flaws are what makes us who we are.

All of the images that are plastered in magazines, television, films, billboards, advertisements are fake. They photograph a starved model, someone who is supposedly perfect and beautiful by the world's view, and what do they do to them??? They photoshop them!!! They lengthen the neck, trim the waist, thighs, neck, etc. and extend the legs even more, give them bigger eyes, etc. So basically the images that we see ARE NOT REAL. They are not actually real people. The standards that the world of beauty has set are NOT REALISTICALLY ACHIEVABLE. They alter what is already beautiful according to their own standards. How does that even make sense??? Why would you try to perfect something that you have already deemed perfect. The world is never satisfied with looks. NEVER. You will never achieve what they are showing you. Why can't they just capture what is real?

What really matters is what you do in life, how you act, how you treat people. If all you have going for yourself and all you care about is looks-sorry, but you don't have much to offer me or anyone else really. I am tired of seeing the effects of this standard on men and women. It breaks down self-esteem and confidence. It makes you dislike they way you look, so much so in some people that is becomes debilitating disorder. Is that really the type of world we want to live in??? A world that is constantly telling us that we are not pretty or handsome enough to exist. Is that the legacy that we should be leaving for the upcoming generations?  A legacy that is shouting at them, telling them that how they look isn't good enough. Telling them that because they don't look like the people in the media, they need to change who they are.

We should be focusing more on what we can contribute to the world, our society, and to our communities. Being skinny doesn't help the neighbors who are struggling to feed their children. Having rock hard abs doesn't help fight abuse. Having thighs that don't touch doesn't stop pollution. Do you see my point yet??? If not, you may be a hopeless case.

Side Notes:

I want to point out that there have been some companies that are fighting to change this standard, which I applaud. (*claps), but is it enough? Can just a few companies change it all? You tell me.

I also want to point out that although looks don't matter, your health does. There is a huge difference between being healthy and trying to fit into the world's standards. One shouldn't compromise one's health for the sake of being skinny.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

A Life Lived for Others.

I was recently having a conversation with a friend and some of topics that were discussed have made me think and reflect on my own life and on the trials that I have been through. Looking back on my life, I have been through a lot, but pulling myself out of the center of the universe and looking around, my trials seem minuscule compared to those around me.

Each experience that I have been through has been tailored for me. The things that I have learned and am still learning from each event has been specific, extremely difficult, and necessary. With each lesson learned there has been someone who has come to me for help because they know that I survived; because they somehow found out one of my secrets, my weaknesses that I have tried unsuccessfully to keep hidden.

Often times I have wondered the popular question of 'why?'. Why did I have to experience a trial? Why did I have to learn a specific lesson? Looking back, it is safe to assume that some of the lessons that I learned were to help other people and the trials that they would soon face.

We are to live a life of service. A service to others. What is this life for if we are not helping each other along the way. There are too many selfish people in this world. Let us all try to take the time to help another person; to make a difference. Even the smallest act of service can change the world.

If I can make a difference in just one person's life, then all of my trials that I face and my life is worth it.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Firm Foundation

All throughout my life there has only been one thing that has remained forever constant and forever consistent. It is one of the very few places that I have found true happiness as well. This thing, no matter where I go, is always there. It is always the same and it is always something that I have been able to fall back on, lean on, and depend upon.

This thing is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Yes, I am a 'Mormon' (aka a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). Let's just get that out of the way. There has been negative light and positive light shined down upon this church by people not of this faith. I urge you to find out for yourself about it, listen to the missionaries or go to There is a lot of false information floating around about the church and if you want to know more you need to get the facts. Search for the truth.

 Now, I'm not trying to force my beliefs on anyone reading this. You do you. I'll do me. I just wanted to share with you what I find important and why. To let you inside my mind to help you understand who I am because it plays such a huge role in my little life.

Back to my train of thought. This Gospel is the reason why I am the way that I am. It is my rock. It is the firm foundation by which I live my life. No matter where I am in my life, physically and spiritually, it has always been the same, no matter which LDS church building I go to, the principles that it teaches remain the same. It has always remained constant and consistent. It is something that I depend heavily upon, without it life would be a chaotic disaster, with no direction or organization, whatsoever. And for those of you who personally know me, organization is how I function.

It has been with me in my ups and downs and it always will be. It has lifted me up during my lowest lows and has given me hope when all I could see was darkness. I have seen miracles, as well as blessings and tender mercies from our loving Heavenly Father. I have felt His love at times when I have felt unlovable. I have learned through experiences and trials that I am known to God and Jesus Christ. They know me personally. Just as They know you personally. I have learned what true happiness is and I have learned what pure love is, all because I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Follow Through

There is truth in the words that we all speak and also truth hidden in the actions of what we do or don't do. Words are a beautiful expression of who we are and what we hope to become, but words are just words, empty and hollow, without any action to back them up. Words are just sounds, without meaning or purpose, if there is no backbone to make them stand tall, to make them real.

I have experienced this many times when people tell me things that they will do, but never actually do them. They will tell me that they did something, without ever actually doing it. They spit out words with no thought for what they are saying and with no intention of ever following through. I don't know about you, but if you say you are going to do something, DO IT. Follow through. It is like setting the other person up for disappointment. They will no longer trust the words that flow from your mouth and will just be disappointed in the end. Don't disappoint people, especially those whom you care for and those that care for you. Don't make promises you don't intend to keep.

One quality that I truly admire in people is following through on what you say you will do. Keeping your word is something that isn't as common as I think it should. If you say you will be somewhere at a certain time, be there. If you say you are going to get something done, get it done. If you say you want to do something with a person, follow through. If you make plans, follow through. If you say you love someone, prove it. You get the point, I hope. Words are just words without proof. Don't throw up meaningless words, they will cause more damage than good.