Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The World's Standard of Perfection (The Body Image)

Everyone is obsessed with their weight; losing it, how much they have gained, how much they currently weigh, how much they want to lose, etc. The world we live in is always pressuring those who live in it to be the 'perfect' size. To look a certain way. To be a specific shape. Well, I am here to tell the world, that they are wrong. Not only wrong, but, dead wrong.

The world says that I need a thin waist, that my thighs shouldn't touch, that my stomach should be flat. I'll just say it right now, none of those things apply to me, nor do I think that it is important that my stomach be flat instead having a curve. Those 'standards' from the world are geared towards men and women alike. Men are to look toned, muscular, and to have rock hard abs. I am here to say that those qualities don't really matter. There are much more important things in the world than to be model-esque, which by the worlds standards is basically starving yourself, having a negative pant size, and legs that are as long a giraffe's neck,  basically flawless. Everyone has flaws. No one is perfect. No, not even me...or even you for that matter. Sorry to hurt your feelings, but you and I are far from perfect. Our flaws are what makes us who we are.

All of the images that are plastered in magazines, television, films, billboards, advertisements are fake. They photograph a starved model, someone who is supposedly perfect and beautiful by the world's view, and what do they do to them??? They photoshop them!!! They lengthen the neck, trim the waist, thighs, neck, etc. and extend the legs even more, give them bigger eyes, etc. So basically the images that we see ARE NOT REAL. They are not actually real people. The standards that the world of beauty has set are NOT REALISTICALLY ACHIEVABLE. They alter what is already beautiful according to their own standards. How does that even make sense??? Why would you try to perfect something that you have already deemed perfect. The world is never satisfied with looks. NEVER. You will never achieve what they are showing you. Why can't they just capture what is real?

What really matters is what you do in life, how you act, how you treat people. If all you have going for yourself and all you care about is looks-sorry, but you don't have much to offer me or anyone else really. I am tired of seeing the effects of this standard on men and women. It breaks down self-esteem and confidence. It makes you dislike they way you look, so much so in some people that is becomes debilitating disorder. Is that really the type of world we want to live in??? A world that is constantly telling us that we are not pretty or handsome enough to exist. Is that the legacy that we should be leaving for the upcoming generations?  A legacy that is shouting at them, telling them that how they look isn't good enough. Telling them that because they don't look like the people in the media, they need to change who they are.

We should be focusing more on what we can contribute to the world, our society, and to our communities. Being skinny doesn't help the neighbors who are struggling to feed their children. Having rock hard abs doesn't help fight abuse. Having thighs that don't touch doesn't stop pollution. Do you see my point yet??? If not, you may be a hopeless case.

Side Notes:

I want to point out that there have been some companies that are fighting to change this standard, which I applaud. (*claps), but is it enough? Can just a few companies change it all? You tell me.

I also want to point out that although looks don't matter, your health does. There is a huge difference between being healthy and trying to fit into the world's standards. One shouldn't compromise one's health for the sake of being skinny.

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